(filepath, hemi, reg_file=None, subject_id=None, projmeth='frac', projsum='avg', projarg=[0, 1, 0.1], surf='white', smooth_fwhm=3, mask_label=None, target_subject=None, verbose=None)[source]¶ Sample MRI volume onto cortical manifold.
Note: this requires Freesurfer to be installed with correct SUBJECTS_DIR definition (it uses mri_vol2surf internally).
- Parameters
- filepathstring
Volume file to resample (equivalent to –mov)
- hemi[lh, rh]
Hemisphere target
- reg_filestring
Path to TKreg style affine matrix file
- subject_idstring
Use if file is in register with subject’s orig.mgz
- projmeth[frac, dist]
Projection arg should be understood as fraction of cortical thickness or as an absolute distance (in mm)
- projsum[avg, max, point]
Average over projection samples, take max, or take point sample
- projargsingle float or sequence of three floats
Single float for point sample, sequence for avg/max specifying start, stop, and step
- surfstring
Target surface
- smooth_fwhmfloat
FWHM of surface-based smoothing to apply; 0 skips smoothing
- mask_labelstring
Path to label file to constrain projection; otherwise uses cortex
- target_subjectstring
Subject to warp data to in surface space after projection
- verbosebool, str, int, or None
If not None, override default verbose level (see surfer.verbose).